News2024 AGMOur AGM was held in Sampford Peverell Village Hall on Saturday 17th August at 2 pm.
The minutes can be seen here: spclt_minutes_of_agm_17aug24.pdf Mountain Oak site - information from their consultants
The Land Agent for the potential Mountain Oak development held two drop-in sessions in the Village Hall committee room on 5th and 9th February to present more information to the village, listen to comments, and take questions.
Further information from the landowner's consultatnts is available by emailing [email protected] Public Meeting Friday 12 Jan, 19.30, Sampford Peverell Village Hall
All Sampford Peverell residents were invited to a public meeting about whether the CLT should be involved in a development at Mountain Oak Farm in Lower Town. Of the 30-35 houses proposed to be built there, 10-12 would be CLT homes - at affordable rents for local people. The CLT would work with the owners and developers so would have a say in the design of the homes, which we hope would fit well into the village, suit local needs, and be environmentally friendly. We asked as many people as possible to come to the meeting, where we provided more information, invited questions, and then asked for a vote on whether the CLT should be involved in this development or not. The result of the vote was a large majority in support of the CLT working with the Mountain Oak Farm project.
These are the slides shown at the meeting: presentation_12-1-24_v3_pp.pdf These are questions and answers about the CLT and those raised at the public meeting in January about the project: spclt_faqs_jan_2024.pdf Following the 2023 AGM we had a discussion with members about a possible site for CLT housing at Mountain Oak Farm, and asked for a show of hands as to whether members supported the proposal. The 25 members present supported it unanimously, so the committee will go on to plan a public meeting for everyone in the village to gauge whether it would have general support.
Housing needs survey Jan 2020
We conducted a new Housing Needs Survey in September and October 2019, and the results have now been checked and analysed. 178 survey forms were returned, a very good response rate of 32%. At the time of the survey a need for 6 affordable rental homes was identified, and 77% of those who answered the relevant question said they would be in favour of a small development of affordable housing for local people. The full survey can be found here: Housing Needs Survey Oct 2019
LinksThe need for affordable housing in rural areas
Devon County Council commissioned a report on Devon's affordable housing problems. This is a link to the Team Devon report which was published in July 2024: This recent November 2023 report from The Countryside Charity shows how important it is that ways be found to provide affordable housing for local people in rural areas, especially in the South West: If you think you may want to be considered as a tenant of this housing you must be registered with Devon Home Choice. You can do that online here: We are being helped and guided by Middlemarch CLH (formerly the Wessex CLT project). There is more information about them and about CLTs in this area on their website:
There is more information about CLTs in general at the National CLT Network's website here: For more information about Sampford Peverell see: